No Curtain. No Problem.
It so happened that I had to move houses for the first time in my life during the rainstorm that left Dubai paralyzed in street ponds.
Storm or no storm, I knew it wouldn’t be easy for me anyway. I was attached to my previous house. It was my first time living in an apartment fully to myself. It was the first time I lived outside Lebanon.
Moving to Dubai was almost accidental. I took a consulting job in January 2020, which was supposed to be mainly based in Beirut, and I would travel to the Gulf on projects. Then Covid happened, and I got stuck in a 35 sqm hotel room from February to July 2020.
I never thought I could ever leave Beirut. But when I was forced to, I realized that I could handle it. At that time, the financial crisis in Lebanon had also started by the end of 2019, and an ambitious career was almost impossible in Lebanon.
When I became more confident about living in Dubai, I started applying to jobs based in the UAE. I landed my first job in a multinational company in October 2020.
I had to choose a place to live. I only did one apartment viewing; it was love at first sight.
I guess the windows that looked upon the big tree in the little gardens of The Greens reminded me of the lemon tree that I see as soon as I open my eyes in my bed back in my hometown, Saida. But another reason was that it was a serviced apartment, and I am a lazy person with an inclination towards the most convenient. Of course, a part of me was still in denial that I was unlikely moving back to Beirut anytime soon, so I did not feel like investing in all the furniture.
That place quickly gave me the feeling of home in Dubai, a city which I struggle to belong to, despite all the gratitude that I feel towards what it gives me in financial, physical, and psychological safety.
However, life happens, and those three years I lived in my cozy place were those years that ask you questions.
As the rent renewal approached, I pushed myself to move out to an apartment that I had to furnish. I was going through a very recent breakup, and I sought something that I rarely seek: change.
Decorating and furnishing my apartment was very stressful at first, but it soon became enjoyable. One month into moving, I am not done yet!
One of the items that I really delayed was curtains. I don't really feel uncomfortable undressing in open windows. It is one of the few rare things I am chill about in life.
My new bedroom faces the sun as it rises, and it's quite strong here in Dubai. She woke me up every day a little before 6 AM. I was never an early bird, neither a night owl, yet another thing I was undecided about in my life.
In those four weeks, I never woke up to the dreadful sounds of the alarm, no matter how much effort you put into choosing a good one, you will end up hating it eventually. Don't you?
Waking up so early allowed me to drink my coffee slowly, just like how Mahmoud Darwish enjoys it. Coffee is the sister of time, he says in one of his poems. It also helped me have time to prepare and have my breakfast, which was impossible when I woke up early enough to catch my first meeting at work.
Somehow, my mood changed. I had more energy, I became more positive, calmer, and less impulsive in my reactions towards life.
I had my curtains installed a few days ago, but I still choose not to close them before I sleep.
I am building my friendship with the sun, with myself, and with life.
No curtain. No problem.